Monday, 7 November 2011

Yacht Maintenance

I had an interesting week learning about yacht maintenance through Hamble School of Yachting and Paragon Skills for Industry. It was a seven day course, the only one of its type anywhere, apparently. We started with a day of rigging, led by Jerry the Rigger. We mainly focussed on standing rigging, how to inspect steel cables and fittings; then we had a practical session looking over a few of Hamble's yachts and then on climbing the mast safely; back to the classroom for some splicing. Day two covered plumbing and winches. We took various things to pieces and reassembled them. Day three was electrics: we made up circuits, learned to use multimeters, etc.. Days four and five were on engines, and included disassembling and reassembling the main use serviceable parts; changing oil, filters, impellers, etc.. Days six and seven were on GRP repairs. All useful stuff. Now I am looking forward to some days when I can put some of these skills to practice on Toucando.